how to bodybuild


So you want BIG arms huh?



The best way to get big arms is to eat. And then eat some more. But, really you say, besides that? If you really want to get big arms then focus on your triceps. Why? Because triceps make up 2/3'rds of your arm.

To get the most out of working your triceps I really recommend close grip bench press. This is a GREAT tricep movement.

In addition to working your triceps, I recommend working your biceps with free weight exercises (dumbbells and barbells). So for biceps I really recommend straight bar curls. And, overall I really recommend the use of free weights whenever possible.

My personal approach has been to work triceps on a separate day than my chest. When you work your chest you will be working your triceps as well. Therefore, why not wait and hit triceps like chest - fresh - so that they can really grow? My 4 day a week workout routine shows you how to do this. I have it all outlined and with videos and more in my Weakling to Warrior program. Grab it today and get started!!