So you want to learn how to Body Build?


So you want to begin bodybuilding but don't know where to start? I can understand your frustration. It's not uncommon to hear conflicting advice between the gym rats and body building magazines. Every once in a while one will run across some good articles and advice, but the majority of the time magazines are like supplement catalogs - with the articles pumping up the product!

In my opinion as to why there is so much conflicting advice out there is because everyone's body is different. And different body types need different approaches to bodybuilding. Let me explain, some people have the goal of getting a six pack - these types of people are usually overweight. But regardless, their overall goal is FAT LOSS. Then, there are those that want to build a big chest, big arms, etc... gain weight overall. Their overall goal is MUSCLE BUILDING. So, depending on one's goal - fat loss or muscle gain - each approach is different.

There are 3 main types of bodies with a mix of each in between. Let me explain:

1. Ectomorph - this body type is naturally skinny. They have a hard time gaining weight because their metabolism is through the roof. They have to eat all the time and work very hard for each pound of muscle gained.

2. Mesomorph - this body type is naturally muscular. This is the type you would refer to as natural born athletes. They seem to eat whatever and workout however and gain muscle with no problem. Their genetics are gifted towards muscle building.

3. Endomorph - this body type is naturally overweight. They have a hard time staying thin and anything they put into their body seems to make them gain weight. They have to work for hard for each pound of fat lost.

Once you identify which body type you most strongly relate to then you can figure out which path to take in your course of bodybuilding.

  • If you are Ectomorph then your goal is Muscle Building.
  • If you are Endomorph then your goal is Fat Loss.

However, if you are a mesomorph then I doubt you are reading this page because you probably don't have a problem with gaining size and staying lean (However, to maximize your potential you can still follow muscle gaining principles). Nevertheless, what I am saying is this: You are either the type that needs to Gain Muscle or Lose Fat. YOU CANNOT DO BOTH! You have to choose ONE GOAL and stick with it.

What is similar between the 2 goals (Fat Loss or Mucscle Gain) is the nutrition. And what makes it different is the calories. What I mean is this - to build muscle you can:

  • Eat the same types of foods whether it be for weight gain or weight loss.
  • Eat the same number of meals per day whether it be for weight gain or weight loss.
  • Do the same exercises whether it be for weight gain or weight loss.
  • Do the same number of reps when lifting whether it be for weight gain or weight loss.

What separates these two goals (Fat Loss and Muscle Gain) is calories:

  • To Lose weight – Eat the same foods but FEWER number of calories.
  • To Lose weight – Add in cardio to burn fat (A DECREASE in calories). But keep weight lifting routine the same.

  • To Gain Weight - Eat the same foods but MORE calories.
  • To Gain Weight - Don't do cardio. You need to keep the calories.

That's it pretty much it. The foods that I am referring to are foods that Body Builders acutally eat. If you are curious as to what these foods are check out my copy of Weakling to Warrior. There you will find all you need to know and more about body building.

Also, it is a myth that you have to do a lot of reps to get lean and fewer number of reps to build muscle. That logic misses out on the most important goal which is nutrition.

According to the ACSM you need 8-12 reps at 9-12 sets per muscle group. The main difference separating the goals is fewer calories and added cardio.

The science behind bodybuilding is simple. Creating a calorie deficit will make your body lose weight and a surplus will make you gain. But keep in mind, it's the correct types of foods that make this work!

Basically, you'll have to learn how to make this a lifestyle. That's the only way it will work.