how to bodybuild


Workout Directory




Body Part : Back
Exercise : One Arm Pullups
This exercise may be easier by using a towel to let your other arm hang onto - like shown in the photograph. Use only your dominant hand to lift yourself up in the air until your chin passes the bar. Then lower yourself back down and repeat. This exercise can also be used with a resistance weight belt. Likewise, if you can do more reps than what I suggest then by all means use a resistance weight belt.

Goal: Reps: Sets: Rest:
Weight Loss 8-12 3 ~2 Minutes
Weight Gain 8-12 3 ~2 Minutes

Exercise : Smith Pulls
Lower the bar down to the desired position on the smith machine. You can place your feet on the floor to make it a little easier. Your hands should be a little wider than shoulder width apart. Now use your back muscles and lift yourself up to the bar. Try to hold for a second or so then lower and repeat.

Goal: Reps: Sets: Rest:
Weight Loss As Many As You Can 3 ~2 Minutes
Weight Gain As Many As You Can 3 ~2 Minutes

Exercise : Seated Cable Rows
Sit on the bench as shown in the photograph. Try to keep your back as straight as you can. All the movement should be in your arms - pulling the weight into your upper abdomen.

Goal: Reps: Sets: Rest:
Weight Loss 8-12 3 ~2 Minutes
Weight Gain 8-12 3 ~2 Minutes

Exercise : One Arm Rows
This is one of the best mass building exercises for back. Think of it as you're starting a lawn mower. If you are lifting with your right hand then your right leg needs to be on the floor. Keep your back straight and parallel with the floor. When you lift the weight up do not swing or twist your back to help it up. Use only your arm - and lift it up. Then lower and repeat.

Goal: Reps: Sets: Rest:
Weight Loss 8-12 3 ~2 Minutes
Weight Gain 8-12 3 ~2 Minutes

Exercise : Prone 2 Hand Rows
Lay on an incline bench as shown in the photograph. You want the incline to be set at one notch lower than what you would normally use for incline dumbbell presses. Let the weight hang to your sides and lift them up sort of behind you. You do not want to curl them up like doing a bicep curl. Instead, they should lift straight up and behind you. Study the video to understand this process better.

Goal: Reps: Sets: Rest:
Weight Loss 8-12 3 ~2 Minutes
Weight Gain 8-12 3 ~2 Minutes

Exercise : Mixed Grip Pullups
Place one hand underhanded and the other one overhanded on the bar. Then lift yourself up in the air until your chin passes the bar and repeat. This exercise can also be done with a weighted resistance belt - suggested if you can do more than the required number of reps. Likewise, if you can do more reps then what we suggest then by all means do more. In addition, if you are new to this exercise and are struggling with lifting yourself up someone can hold your legs to help develop your strength.

Goal: Reps: Sets: Rest:
Weight Loss 8-12 3 ~2 Minutes
Weight Gain 8-12 3 ~2 Minutes

Exercise : One Arm Cable Rows
Grasp the pulley bar as shown in the photograph. Lean over slightly and keep your back straight. Now pull the bar up close to you letting only your arm do the movement. DO NOT twist your torso. Lower the weight back down and repeat.

Goal: Reps: Sets: Rest:
Weight Loss 8-12 3 ~2 Minutes
Weight Gain 8-12 3 ~2 Minutes

Exercise : One Arm Row On Incline
To do this exercise lay on an incline weight bench. If you are lifting with your right hand then the left side of your body should be on the bench - the opposite holds true as well. Now, let the weight fall all the way down and lift it straight up to your side - lower and repeat. Watch the video for a better demonstration.

Goal: Reps: Sets: Rest:
Weight Loss 8-12 3 ~2 Minutes
Weight Gain 8-12 3 ~2 Minutes

Exercise : (Lat) Pull Ups
The most important part of this exercise is hand placement. Your palms should be facing forward and the back of your hands facing you. Now, grip the bar a little wider than shoulder width apart and pull yourself up to the bar. When your chin passes the bar lower yourself back down and repeat. Keep your elbows back towards your body so that they are not in front of you. If you can do more reps than what I suggest, then use a weighted belt.

Goal: Reps: Sets: Rest:
Weight Loss 8-12 3 ~2 Minutes
8-12 3 ~2 Minutes

Exercise : T-Bar Rows
The key to this exercise is to maintain a flat back. DO NOT arch or have a rounded back while performing this exercise. Keep feet flat on surface and bend over like shown. Now, use your arms and back muscles to lift the weight up to your sternum. DO NOT jerk or swing your back during the process. Then lower the weight and repeat.

Goal: Reps: Sets: Rest:
Weight Loss 8-12 3 ~2 Minutes
8-12 3 ~2 Minutes

Exercise : Chin Bar Pulldowns
Attach the chin bar to the lat pulldown machine as shown in the photograph. The key is to keep your back pretty straight - you don't want to lean back too much. Keep your elbows close and don't let them flare out to the sides too much. You want to lower the bar to your chest - you don't have to touch. Then release and repeat.

Goal: Reps: Sets: Rest:
Weight Loss 8-12 3 ~2 Minutes
8-12 3 ~2 Minutes

Exercise : Lat Pull Downs
Sit on bench and grasp bar above head. Grip a little wider than shoulder width apart. Try not to lean back too much. Pull bar down to upper chest. Be sure to keep elbows back - don't let them go forward. Think of your elbows going straight down and meeting your rib cage as you pull down. After the weight has came down slowly return it all the way back up to the top and repeat.

Goal: Reps: Sets: Rest:
Weight Loss 8-12 3 ~2 Minutes
8-12 3 ~2 Minutes