how to bodybuild


How to Gain Weight


Before After

That was me. It was taken several weeks apart. I have worked out for most of my life. I finally learned the secrets to gaining weight. I will share them with you. Gaining weight is a very very simple process. By learning how to gain weight, you are essentially learning how to body build. However, bodybuilding can become complicated. Why is that? Well, mostly because of the misinformation out there. Try this supplement, try this routine, do this, do that... pick up any bodybuilding magazine and you'll immediately know what I'm saying.

However, there are 3 simple principles that you MUST follow to gain weight.

They are:

1. You MUST eat A LOT and often. This is by far the most important of the 3. If you do not eat - you cannot and will not gain weight. Period. This is based in science. If you eat more calories than what your body needs in a day, then those extra calories have to go somewhere. They WILL contribute to weight gain - either in FAT or MUSCLE. What you want to gain is muscle of course. But, you still have to eat. You have to eat MORE than what your body needs in a day to turn those extra calories into muscle. Therefore, you MUST eat A LOT and often.

This is accomplished by eating 5-6 meals a day. If you are eating only 2-3 meals a day how do you expect to eat A LOT by eating so few meals? Think about it. And not only that, but your body would have a hard time digesting huge meals all at once. Your body needs to be fed constantly to get the nutrition it needs to build muscle. So, before you say, I do eat all the time! stop for a second and really think - do you really eat all the time?

So, you're going to need to know how many calories. I created a calorie calculator section that helps you with this. First it calculates your calories and then it tells you how much protein, carbs, and fats you should eat in a day - more about this later.

2. You MUST eat the CORRECT types of foods in the CORRECT ratios to gain muscle. Remember, your overall goal is not weight gain but MUSCLE gain. Not all calories are created equal. For example, 500 calories of potato chips, ice cream, and donuts is not equal to 500 calories of brown rice, chicken breast, and broccoli.

So what kinds of foods do you need to eat? Well, you should break your foods up into 4 categories. Protein, carbs, fats, and fruits/veggies.

You'll want to stick with lean proteins, complex carbs (oatmeal, brown rice, whole wheat breads, etc..), healthy fats (peanut butter, flax seed oil, fish oils, coconut oil just to name a few), and fresh fruits and veggies.

Now, I'm sure you have heard that you need 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight to build muscle. This is true. However, this leaves other nutrients in question. What about fats? What about carbs? How much of those should you eat? This is very important too and if you are not eating enough or too few fats and carbs this can really hurt your progress. I recommend 25% protein, 45% carbs, 20% fats, and 10% fruits/veggies (fruits/veggies are in the carb category).

The main problem with this is finding the time to sit down and plan meals - then you have to cook them. I thought there should be an easier way so I created a database with the correct foods and correct percentages based on my preferences. You too can have access to this and much much more by checking out my Weakling to Warrior Program.

3. The last thing you MUST do to gain weight is of course workout. There are several, several types of workout routines. What I suggest is to work your muscle groups once per week and do around 9 sets at 8-12 reps. For example, for chest you can do 3 sets of flat barbell bench, 3 sets of incline dumbbell presses and 3 sets of decline dumbbell presses (total of 9 sets) at 8-12 reps. I recommend what is called a "split routine". Meaning that you split your workouts up in sections. For example, on Monday you may do chest and triceps. Tuesday Biceps and back. Thursday shoulders and legs. This is only an example.

I created a workout directory that you can check out at workout video directory. You can check out different exercises if you need some new ones or just not sure on what to do. However, my Weakling to Warrior Program has muscle building routines that are easy to follow and will get you where you need to be in no time. Check it out here:

The key to your success is being consistent. This means going to the gym and working out when you don't feel like it, eating when you don't feel like it. If you do good for a couple of days and then fall off the wagon for a day or so don't expect to keep your gains or to keep gaining.

You have to remain consistent and think of this as a lifestyle change. You have to eat, sleep, and dream working out. Make it a priority in your life to get your meals and workouts in. When you do this nothing will stop you.

So, to help get you started in the quickest way possible I created a Weakling to Warrior Program. Get started today!

Jay Cutler is by far my favorite pro bodybuilder. In the video below he answers some questions about bodybuilding and gives excellent advice. Watch the video below to learn more: