how to bodybuild


So you want a 6 pack huh?


One of the most misunderstood areas in bodybuilding is the "six pack". What I mean is the conflicting advice you will hear from different people. Some will say do lots of reps to get "cut". And, others will say, do some ab exercises. So, what is the real truth???

This is the truth - you can only get a 6 pack from the correct diet and exercise. Period. I will go over the diet first. the reason the diet is so important is because without the correct nutrition your body will be getting either more lean or less lean. To get lean you must create a calorie deficit. So you must reduce the number of calories you eat in a day. However, you must also eat the right types of foods still! I am meaning complex carbs, lean meats, healthy fats and fresh fruits/veggies.

The correct exercise is the next important point - this consists of 2 parts. Cardio and weight lifting. I will address cardio first. Cardio is important because it burns calories. Remember your diet is important - those extra calories have to go somewhere. Well, cardio burns those extra calories - or in other words, it creates a deficit. With the correct diet and the correct cardio you are now in the red, which means your body needs MORE calories than what you are intaking.

These needed calories must come from some where. - these extra calories will be taken from fat. Which means your body is now burning the fat for fuel. Make sense?

Weight lifting - think of weight lifting as muscle building instead of calorie burning. When you build muscle - this increases your metabolic rate. Your metabolic rate is how fast your body is burning calories being idle. As this increases, the rate at which you burn fat off also increases.

So, to create a fat burning furnace you must have: The correct diet, do cardio and weight train.

There are many questions to how this may all work. For example, how many calories do you need? What should I eat exactly? What kind of cardio do I do and for how long? What about weight training? How many sets? How many reps? These are all important questions.

To the answer to all those questions and more why not grab a copy of my Weakling to Warrior program? It is packed with tons of info with an incredibly low price. It won't last long so you shouldn't delay grab a copy NOW and get your six pack and what you deserve!!